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The choice to drive your sled involves responsibility. If your driving is dangerous and puts your safety or that of the dogs at risk or the sled breaks, we reserve the right to stop the Activity for the good of all, including your passenger. If in doubt, take the option with a driver guide.

You must speak and understand French or English perfectly to drive, otherwise a driver's guide is obligatory. 

Un attelage de chiens de traîneau, mené par un musher, transporte un passager emmitouflé dans un traîneau sur la neige, dans une étendue ouverte avec des arbres et un ciel hivernal en toile de fond.

Dog sled

Take control driving the sled


First ride? Come meet our expert “mushers” who will familiarize you with all aspects of dog sledding. After your training, enjoy a short ride.


Total duration:    30 minutes (including 10 min ride on a 2 km trajectory)

Type of terrain:    Flat

Difficulty:              Easy(Perfect for a first time with young children)

60$ CAD+tx per person

40$ CAD+tx for children aged 11 and under.

Including: Driving lesson, possibility to borrow the equipment extreme cold weather rental (mittens, coat, pants and boots).


Take control driving the sled

Want to extend your visit following the introductory experience? 

With your initiation,add a meal in a refuge at the top of the mountain and the visit from the impressive kennel to meet all our doggies.

White meat or vegetarian option possible if booked in advance

Initiation + Visit + Lunch (see menu)

115$ CAD+tx per person

$80 CAD+tx for children 11 and under.

Including: Driving lesson, possibility of taking theequipment extreme cold weather rental (mittens, coat, pants and boots).

Un attelage de chiens de traîneau, mené par un musher, transporte un passager emmitouflé dans un traîneau sur la neige, dans une étendue ouverte avec des arbres et un ciel hivernal en toile de fond.
Un musher guide un attelage de chiens de traîneau à travers une piste enneigée bordée d'arbres, sous un ciel bleu clair d'hiver.


Take control driving the sled

Take command of your team of dogs for a two-hour activity including 1 hour of riding. You will discover our magnificent mountainous and snowy trails in the forest. A crossing of Beaver Lake will charm you.  Pure happiness!

Total duration: 2 hours of activity including 1 hour of riding in the forest

Type of terrain:  Mountainous

Difficulty:Average **

**It is essential to be in very good physical shape. Dog sledding is a very fun exercise when you are in control of your team.


$175 CAD+tx per person

125$ CAD+tx for children aged 7 to 11

​Pricing may change for the Christmas period

OPTION 2: With Lunch  (see menu)

White meat or vegetarian option possible if booked in advance


$220 CAD+tx per person;

$150 CAD+tx for children aged 7 to 11

​Pricing may change for the Christmas period

Including: A return trip by 4X4 to the kennel,  a driving lesson, a 60-minute mountain ride, hot chocolate and a tour of the kennel. Possibility of borrowing extreme cold equipment (coat, pants, boots, mittens/gloves). 

*In the forest, prohibited for pregnant women*.

Absolutely inform us if there is a significant overweight situation.


Take control driving the sled

Want a longer adventure in the world of dog sledding? Go for the half day!

  • Arrive at our office to meet our team.

  • Meet on the lake for a driving lesson and ride initiation. 

  • Shuttle towards the “mushers” camp where the mountain kennel is located.

  • Meal midday in a forest refuge. (vegetable option possible)

  • Departure on our mountain trails for immersion towards Beaver Lake.

  • Return to base camp for a hot drink.

  • You can now congratulate your dogs and take photos with them!


Total duration:      About 3 hours

Type of terrain:     Mountainous

Difficulty:               Average

Introduction + Lunch + Immersion  (see menu)

White meat or vegetarian option possible if booked in advance

$260 CAD
+tx per person

$185 CAD+tx per person for children aged 7 to 11



Dans une forêt enneigée au soleil couchant, un musher en veste jaune dirige un traîneau tiré par un attelage de chiens, laissant des traces parallèles dans la neige fraîche.

Things to know

Un jeune husky donne un baiser à une personne vêtue d'une veste jaune et d'un bonnet coloré, dans un moment de complicité et d'affection hivernale.
The essentials:
  • Clothing adapted to the weather: snow boots, warm clothes, warm underlayer, neck warmer, spare warm socks

  • Possibility to rent our equipment $20+tx/person: boots, pants, jacket and snowmobile gloves 

  • Avoid cotton rather wool and synthetic.

Book your adventure

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42 rue de la Chaumine

Saint-Hippolyte, Quebec

J8A 2N4


1 877 563 4443(toll free)

1 450 563 4443

© 2023 Aventures Plein Air - Created by Media Conceptions

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